Wednesday, May 29, 2013

King Ire's Last War : An E-Fable for Peace by Manjiri Subhash

File Size:   6148 KB
Publisher:  Gandheeva Media; 1 edition (May 12, 2013)
Sold by:    Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language:  English
ASIN:       B00BW74D76

A Short Description from the author......

In an ongoing clash between the brute force of aggression and the gentle spirit of compassion, the latter is usually sacrificed. King Ire’s Last War: The Book of Peace, challenges the conventional perspective. Rich with symbolism and unexpected twists, the allegorical fable intends to generate conversations about the power of spirit set against physical might. Parents and teachers would find the book and its discussion tips useful to promote empathy and emotional learning among children. Details are available at

King Ire’s Last War opens our eyes to the consequences of aggression as it takes us into the bleak world under King Ire’s rule. His rampage continues until he comes across a kingdom that is like no other. But when King Ire declares war on the little kingdom, it turns out to be his last war.      

Who is King Ire, who does he fight with, and why is it his last war?

Stunning visuals and concise narrative unravel the story to show us who wins and why; and as it highlights the victory of compassion over aggression, the story makes a compelling case for nurturing the better — albeit delicate — angels of our nature. 

What I felt when I saw this book...

This is one of those picturesque book I have come across and the message is something I wanted to hear right now in my life. How beautiful our life is provided we respect it. Take it as a gift and spread love not hate. I truly believe that when something comes your way at a particular phase of time, it happens for a reason. This book too happened for that reason. It made me overcome my anger at a particular aspect of life and make me find peace within myself. So I would love to share this review with all those who are at the stage of life when the path seems full of hatred and you have to look within yourself to find inner peace and love.

Disclaimer: I received this book from the author in exchange of my honest review.

The Story.....

King Ire burnt down everything he laid his eyes on. Where ever he went, he spread destruction. Where ever he went, he made it a point to burn down the place and people. One day  while he was on his rampage he came across a place where people seemed happy and they were not affected by his vicious nature.
He was surprised and when he met Queen Peace he was flabbergasted since she was so serene and calm. She refused to fight him and went away leaving him the kingdom.

Could he destroy the kingdom? Why did Queen Peace not fight him? Was she scared of him? Read this beautifully illustrated fable by Manjiri Subhash to find out?

A Readers Thoughts......

This story is not a 55000 word novel. It's a fable and is power packed enough to make even a grown up think about what really matters. What kind of life we are looking for? Fighting amongst ourselves or making peace with our loved ones?

The first question this fable answers is where do you find Peace. Not in the books or words of wisdom, not in other's words and actions. It is just within us. 



Thought of the story: 1 

The storyline:


When I got an invitation to read this book and do a review I really thought how much time such a book would take- 5 to 10 min?  A bad King Ire taught a lesson by Good Queen Peace. But it is definitely than that. It makes you question where in life you want to be. 

Personal note to the author from the reviewer....

Thankyou for letting me do a review of this book. Though I never did a children genre before, it was a pleasure to do yours. This book came to me at such a juncture of my life that I felt that it is a indication from the The Upstairs Guy. Such a beautiful concept and thought. I hope to see more of such fables from you:)

About the Author....

I would just share one line about the Author's sentiment and thoughts. I felt it says it all about your noble thoughts and personality. I of course shamelessly pirated it from her website. [Hopefully she forgives me after seeing the stars....:)]

Our young ones especially need these angels to shape the future differently. Sustained peace is a foundation of good life, but it will remain elusive until we recognize the value of our soft power. One short life is all we have. Why would we tarnish it with strife and misery when we can enrich it with peace and abundance?

   Manjiri  Subhash.

Watch this space for the upcoming Author Interview!!!!

You can get this book by clicking on this book:

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